10. Absolute & Relative Units

Absolute vs Relative Units

Absolute vs Relative Units

Many CSS properties require a unit of measurement. There’s a lot of units available, but the most common ones you’ll encounter are px (pixel) and em (pronounced like the letter m). The former is what you would intuitively call a pixel, regardless of whether the user has a retina display or not, and the latter is the current font size of the element in question.

There are broadly two types of units of measurement for CSS properties, absolute and relative.


  • px
  • in
  • mm
  • cm

Absolute measurements are set values regardless of anything having to do with your program or the browser. px is the most common absolute unit of measurement, and many font sizes on the web for example, are set to somewhere between 12px-30px, A font size set to 16px will appear the same size no matter how big the screen. If however, you wanted to set a CSS property value based on some dynamic value, the width of a browser window for example, there are also relative units of measurement that can be used to define CSS properties.


  • % - percentage of something, such as screen width
  • em - A unit equivalent to the current font size - if 12px font, 2em would be 24px
  • vw - units of viewport width (essentially the browser’s rendering space). Each unit is 1/100th of width
  • vh - the same as above but for viewport height

The em unit is very useful for defining sizes relative to some base font. For example, if you set the font-size of body to 16px, you could then set other element’s font-size value relative to that 16px. Here’s what that could look like:

body {
 font-size: 16px;

#one {
  font-size: 1.5em

#two {
  font-size: 0.5em

In this example, one would have font bigger than 16px, and two would have font smaller than 16px.